We specialise in designing site specific systems for projects. We are able to offer full design facility within the scope of our work.
Two projects that we have undertaken are highlighted below.

Stabilising slopes in the Manawatu Gorge
Following the flood damage that occurred in the Manawatu Gorge after the February 2004 floods there was extensive earthworks undertaken to repair areas that had slipped. There were 5 main slip sites and a number of smaller ones that needed to be Hydroseeded before the road could be opened.
It was decided that due to the unstable nature of the area that a bonded fibre matrix system call Eco-Aegis be used as this product once applied forms a mat that has tensile strength. This system holds the face together whilst the vegetation grows in to the area. Once the plants are established the root mass takes over and holds the soil intact.
Some 30,000 m2 of the gorge was treated with this system. The grass established over a 4 week period and held the soil intact and created surface stability across the site. This system is ideal for areas that remain unstable or are likely to fret.

Hutt Valley Waste Water
Seeding Systems
Fletcher Construction required a lawn to be established across a 12,000 m2 area that only had the existing fill material available. There was no top soil available. The pH was very high at 8.3 and no vegetation had established on the mounds over an 18 month period indicating that the fill material was sterile.
We chemically adjusted the pH down to 6.5 and added soil bacteria and fungi to establish a biological system. The site was then Hydroseeded with a lawn mix and irrigated.