Stream Restoration

Lucas Creek Project for North Shore City Council.
Lucas Creek was a stream restoration project for the North Shore City Council. It was an innovative project that runs for about 1km through the Hooton Reserve near the Albany stadium. Several new to New Zealand systems were used on this project in conjunction with RST and John McCullah a bio-engineering expert from the USA. With John's help RST were able to install low impact systems to restore the stream and stop the on-going erosion issues that the council had with the stream.
The systems used were stream widening and bank shaping, rock riffles, rock vanes, lunkers, woody debris structures, and Living MSE walls. A new approach was taken to enable us to work and do the installations in a live stream rather than install a stream diversion. This meant that the project was completed in record time and with a lower cost than would traditionally be expected.
The system used was to have flexible construction plans which meant a new approach of "designing on the go." Effectively the plans were drawn as the areas to be rehabilitated were cleared which meant there was no problems with making structures fit the surrounding ground conditions.
Stream widening and shaping took place along the length of the stream. This meant that we doubled the width of the stream bed and reshaped the banks to give a better slope angle and more flood plain areas. A pre-washed GAP 20 aggregate was put over any new earthworks on the bed to stop any sediment movement. The new area of bed was cut just above water line in the live stream.
Woody Debris in stream
Re-Direct Flow